Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling and Dimension Reduction Approaches to Space-Time Modeling
My primary research interests are Bayesian hierarchical modeling and dimension reduction approaches to space-time modeling. I am interested in a wide range of environmental applications and have focused my research on climatic sciences, in particular statistical downscaling and paleoclimate reconstruction.
As a postdoc in the 2011-2012 SAMSI research program on Uncertainty Quantification I developed an interest in statistical analysis of computer models, in particular the role of model discrepancy (the difference between reality and the computer model).
In collaboration with Dr. Tony O’Hagan I have been researching the importance of accounting (correctly) for model discrepancy for both parameter estimation and prediction.
In 2008-2010 I was a Research Associate at The Ohio State University, working with Dr. Mark Berliner on Bayesian Hierarchical Models for High-Resolution Climate Reconstructions. We wrote a paper on temperature reconstruction from borehole proxies (Brynjarsdottir and Berliner 2011).
Other research experience
As a research associate at the Science Institute at the University of Iceland in 2003-2005. I worked on two projects.
I developed a simulation model of selective fish breeding in collaboration with Dr. Gunnar Stefansson and the company Stofnfiskur.
I also worked with Dr. Kjartan Magnusson and Dr. Olafur Nielsen on a population dynamics model of the ptarmigan population in Iceland.
Information about published research papers and technical reports can be found under publications.